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  • 🎯 90 Days - 1 Goal - Launch your AI Startup

🎯 90 Days - 1 Goal - Launch your AI Startup

ALSO: What AI Founders, Hustlers and Investors are doing WRONG?

Welcome, AI Hustlers.

AI hype is dead! but smart brains working harder than ever to build the next Unicorn startup.

The next wave of Billion Dollar companies will be 3-person companies. With AI now you don’t need an army of employees to build the best product. 3 humans + 7 AI agents and you can build whatever you want.

Companies will buy these AI agents and deploy them in their operations.

Who’ll build these AI Agents? You!

Who’ll sell these AI Agents? You!

So, do 2 things ASAP! Stop Scrolling on Reels and stop Bookmarking content. Bookmarking content means, I’ll do it later! but there is no later. It’s now or never.

AI Space is the most innovative and fastest-moving space I’ve ever seen. Just check GitHub, Huggingface, and private builder communities. You’ll be amazed by how many new projects are coming to life, every day.

So, No later, ACT Now!


  • The Masterplan: 90-Day Startup Hustle Program

  • Insights from 163 Calls I took with founder, investors and Hustlers.

Read time: 2.5 minutes



So, I've been playing detective for the last 91 days. I've talked to 57 AI Builders and 74 Hustlers, who are super eager to learn about AI. 

Here’s a breakdown:

74 Calls with AI Hustlers

I realized 1 thing! Everyone has at least 1 amazing IDEA but 1 out of 100 execute their smart ideas.

To simplify there are 2 types of geeks. One that has “imposter syndrome:” (am I capable of doing something like this or no?)

And second type of hustlers have “shiny object syndrome:“ (they never stick with 1 idea. Always looking for next shinny idea)

But there are very few hustlers that land in the sweet spot!

What’s that you might ask. That is finding the best idea, and sticking with it for a longer period of time and building it.

These hustlers are what we see right now crushing the space. They are building AI Agents, AI-powered SaaS for niched markets.

57 Calls with AI Builders:

I figured out that 99% of builders won’t make it. They’ll be dead in 12 months.

Why? First, they are great developers but not good Marketers. 7/10 builders think what they are building will conquer the market, which never happens.

In technical terms, they never research enough to find product-market fit. They don’t take real-time data from the market. So those Builders that understand consumer psychology, they can build some of the best startups in next 12 months.

15 Calls with AI Investors

On Investor calls, I got disappointed 8/10 times. Investors are as usual looking for a quick cash grab from so-called AI tools. But those 2/10 investors, are my favorite. They will fund some of the most creative & smart AI startups.

32 Networking Calls with Masters

What did I learn from Mentors? Invest more and more in knowledge! I learned that a Mentor can save you at least 12 months of struggle.

So, to wrap up this part;

  • Hustlers need pure Clarity of what they can do with AI

  • Builders need solid brand-building plan for their startups.

  • Investors need to find smart builders and take a bet on them.

  • Mentors don't need anything, We need them!



Only 97 days are left in 2023. Let’s aim for a laser-focused target.

Here are the best startups that you can build Before Jan. 1st, 2024:

A Twitter (X) brand is a MUST.

You have to understand Digital Startups are Creator-led Startups, which means your personal brand is worth gold. Your Twitter Account is your Business Card. Make sure you hand over your card to your ideal client.

How? By creating High-Quality Content.

AI Automation Agency

If you notice, you don’t hear much about AAA or AI Automation Agency anymore, because 7/10 guys already left the space.

Why? Because it is not as straightforward as the Gurus preach on YouTube.

I recently cracked the best offer for AI Automation Agency. It is 80% simpler to build and 10x more scalable offer than the “automation as a service” model.

AI Design Subscription Agency

I posted about this idea yesterday and I got so many messages to inquire about this opportunity.

This is how it works: You sign E-commerce clients and design their store, newsletter, and promotion branding every month.

This is a “design as a subscription model” A guy named Brett who founded “DesignJoy” agency is killing with this offer. His offer starts from $5000.

All you need to do is copy his model and implement it in the E-commerce market and use AI to do all the design work.

AI SaaS with Hunter Hammonds Model

The Biggest reason why bootstrapped startups fail is they don’t have solid distribution channel and they don’t have the capital to do crazy paid marketing.

Now here comes an interesting model. You’re good at building SaaS? Do that! Once you built that, find top Creators in your niche.

Reach them out and offer than partnership in the company. In return they do the marketing for you, You take care of the backend part.

It looks complicated but it is not.

All Big creators make their major share of earnings from their SaaS. Now, new creators that are on their footprints, they need their SaaS to make a sustainable income. These are your target prospects.

Build a solid partnership and do what you do the best. Build and refine!

AI Custom Prompt Agency

Companies are contacting me every week to help them design custom prompts for their company.

How I would do? Design a simple ChatGPT UI and attach their company CRM to it with make.com automation.

Then, I’ll embed custom prompts for all use cases they have. Now because I didn’t just design prompts but I designed A custom SaaS for this company. I can charge them One-time Development charges of $7000 + $1500 every month and I’ll keep on adding more prompt frameworks as needed.

I time effort and recurring income source.

These are just a few ideas that I validated myself. I would love to share at least 6 more models that fit your personality.

So If you’re still reading this letter. I am giving you 25% off:

90-Day Startup Hustle Program

Here's how it'll work. 

1. Mentorship call: 

Sit with me for 75 minutes and I'll find you the best AI business that suits your experience, interest, and goals.

2. Private Slack Community: 

This is vital. The community will push everyone forward. You can send me a private message anytime and connect with other Hustlers.

Goal of the Community: 

✦ Co-build products. Collaborate to build the best product.

✦ Audit each other. We have to take action. No other way out!

✦ Weekly clarity calls to brainstorm and share the latest developments in AI.

✦ Most importantly, have a feeling of unity. You are not hustling alone!

3. On-demand Resources: 

The community will tell, what are they struggling with?

✦ Prompting? I'll build the best Prompt frameworks

✦ Offer? I'll work with you to design & refine your offer.

✦ Team? I'll help you connect with the most skilled brains in the industry. Basically, anything you need. I'll find you a way!

4. Startup Launchpad:

Once the community builds their startup. I'll help them build the best distribution channel.

✦ Creator Partnerships (Hunter Hammond Model) 

✦ Productization (Design Joy Model) 

✦ Waitlist (Indie Hacker Model) 

You might also see me partnering up with Hustlers as a Co-founder. So sky is the limit.

That's what was missing;

  • A guiding hand to kickstart the process. 

  • A solid plan to make this easy to execute. 

  • A super positive community to push each other. 

  • A Smart offer that is not saturated and highly valuable. 

You'll find this under 1 roof: 90-Day Startup Hustle Program. 

Reply to this Email or DM me on Twitter to Apply, and I will Qualify you myself. 

This is not for anyone who is looking for:

❌ A shortcut

❌ A quick cash grab

❌ A fancy side hustle.

If you're really interested, Send me a message. The first 10 Hustlers will get a 25% special discount: because they took action. 

And what's my 90-Day plan:

1. Take Twitter brand to 40,000+ 

2. Take 'AI Startup' Newsletter to 12,000+ 

3. Launch HypeGenius and generate $50k revenue. 

4. Launch 1 Co-partner AI Agency 

So let’s build the AI Hustler Syndicate. Let’s grind together and build the best AI Startups.


I hope you enjoyed today’s edition. I think it’s the perfect time to start building your AI Startup.

Ending Note: "Do cool shi*, meet cool people Meet cool people, do cooler Shi*"

Long way to go. Plenty of plans. A lot of things to build for the community, with the community.

Let’s make it count. Let's Hunt in a pack.

Looking forward to seeing you on the other side.

Until next time!