AI can build Best Sponsor Platform for Creators

ALSO: Open-Source Code Interpreter, List of all 898 ChatGPT Plugins

Welcome, AI Hustlers

Today’s edition can be a visionary edition. I’m about to share one of the biggest startup ideas I’ve saved in my Red Notebook.

It’s the 5th edition of this Newsletter and now it’s not a stress for me anymore. I love to share my weird, creative, futuristic and sometimes unrealistic ideas with curious minds like yourself.

So let’s dive in.


  • Million Dollar Startup Idea: AI-Powered Creator Sponsorship Platform

  • Best Crash Course: How to grow on Twitter (X) especially if you have less than 2000 followers.

  • How to Run ChatGPT Code Interpreter locally with CodeLlama

  • Top 5 AI tools I found this week

Read time: 2.5 minutes



Today, we're diving into a startup idea that's not just a game-changer, but a whole new game itself.

Imagine a world where not just YouTubers but also Twitter (X) content writers, Medium article writers, and Newsletter experts get sponsored by Brands.

Video-based content is getting sponsors but why not text-based content?

Why This is the Biggest Startup Opportunity in Social Media

Let's get real for a second, the Numbers don't lie:

  • The influencer market in the U.S. was valued at a record $16.4 billion in 2022. It's expected to grow to $21.1 billion in 2023. 

  • 1 in 4 marketers are already leveraging influencer marketing. 17% plan to invest for the first time in 2023.

  • 72% of Gen Z and Millennials follow influencers on social media. 33% have bought a product based on an influencer's recommendation in the past three months.

  • 82% of consumers trust a brand more if it's recommended by an influencer. So, the power of sponsorship is real.

The Micro-Influencer Advantage

Micro-influencers, those with 1,000 to 100,000 followers, are especially effective. They generate up to 60% more engagement than macro influencers. Plus, 56% of marketers who invest in influencer marketing work with micro-influencers because it's less expensive.

But there is no platform that is focusing on Micro-influencers!

Just on Twitter, there are more than 400,000 creators that have 10,000+ followers.

ROI and Budgets

High ROI: On average, businesses generate $6.50 in revenue for every $1 invested in influencer marketing.

Budget Allocation: In 2022, 39% of marketers invested 10 to 20 percent of their marketing budget into influencer marketing.

The Ideal Scenario

Picture this: Twitter influencers with a massive following in AI and tech. They tweet about the latest trends, share valuable insights, and even create long-form threads that go viral.

Now, imagine these influencers being sponsored by cutting-edge AI startups, cloud computing services, or even venture capital firms looking to invest in AI.

The influencer gets paid, the brands get unparalleled exposure, and the audience gets valuable content. It's a win-win-win!

The Darkhorse: Newsletters

Now, let's talk newsletters. They're not just emails; they're personalized magazines delivered straight to your inbox.

Newsletters are becoming subscription goldmines. With platforms like beeHiiv, Substack, and Revue, writers can easily monetize their content.

Imagine a newsletter writer who covers the AI startup scene. They could be sponsored by AI platforms, data analytics services, or even AI investors who want to invest in intelligent AI startups.

Subscription + Sponsorships, and you've got a recipe for a six-figure income generated by content.

Brands can sponsor specific newsletter issues, series, or even special reports. The possibilities for monetization are endless!

But there is no platform that lets Brands meet with Top Micro-Influencers.

Here’s how this can be done:

For Twitter & and Other Text Content Platforms:

Build an AI-powered platform that enrolls creators who want to be sponsored. Use AI to build intensive reports around their audience:

  • Profile Visits

  • Impressions

  • Engagement

  • Niche analysis

  • Comment sentiments

  • Content voice and motive.

Basically, you are ranking the Influencer based on the quality of content and his audience.

This data is vital for brands. They can pay a good amount if they are getting a good reward back.

So you build a Brand dashboard with list of all the influencers and insights about their social media brands and newsletters.

For Influencers, you can build a dashboard with the list of Brands that are offering sponsorship deals, discounts, and collaboration offers for their niche.

For Newsletters:

Newsletter Platforms like BeeHiiv and Substack are already sharing vital information with creators like

  • Open rates

  • Link Click Rate

  • Impressions

So all you need is AI-powered content analysis and survey forms that creators and add to their newsletters and you get real-time engagement data from their audience.

Brands will feel very much comfortable after getting these stats. So, you can onboard alot of businesses that want to attract new users.

Also, brands are now done with low-conversion ad networks by Google and Facebook so high-quality ad network will be a no-brainer for them.

For creators, it’s a big relief. Now they don’t need to cold DM 100s of brands by themselves to get a sponsorship deal and they can focus on enhancing the content quality.

A platform like this is needed right now! just check this:

Out of 50 Million content creators only 2 Million which is just 4%, are full-time content creators.

If you enable you enable micro influencers to monetize their high-quality content. You are not about to start a company here, you’re starting a movement.

You are not selling an addon here, you are solving a Huge Problem in the content industry. A simple formula of business: Sell add-ons and survive. Solve problems and make a fortune.

Bottomline: Build an AI Powered Sponsorship platform. Creators will love you, Brands will respect you.

If you’re really interested in building this out. Connect with me and I’ll consult you and we’ll build a proper execution plan to build and launch this in next 90 days.

But if I give you some numbers. This is a 50x bigger Startup than Patreon, Circle, and Gumroad.

So If you’re looking for a no-brainer revolutionary Startup idea. That’s for you.


How to Grow from On Twitter (X)

Aiswarya did a great job in breaking down all the points you need to check to grow on Twitter, especially if you’re just starting out.

I analyze trends and algorithm changes on X very closely so I agree with most of the points she mentioned in her Thread.

Run ChatGPT Code Interpreter locally with CodeLlama

This guy has built LocalGPT and his YouTube content is very informative.

In this video, he will show you how to set up and run the new Open interpreter project locally. This is an open-source implementation of the ChatGPT code interpreter.

The best part, you don’t need the GPT 3.5 or GPT 4 API key, you can run it with Code-llama which is open source coding model.

5 AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity

Framer AI: Design a modern-looking website with just 1 prompt.

CheatLayer: Heard of Bardeen? This is way better than Bardeen. AI-powered task Automation platform.

Second Dev: Migrate your code in seconds with AI. (AngularJs to React or Javascript to Typescript)

Open Interpreter: Use Code Interpreter on your computer with any LLM including LLaMa 2.

Gan AI: Record video once and personalize it for 100 others with AI.

-No sponsored tools.


I hope you enjoyed the 5th Edition of AI Startup Newsletter.

I am trying to make it better with every new edition. Share your thoughts on what you want to have more in this Newsletter.

Here’s a Gift for You:

ChatGPT has 898 Plugins right now, Here’s a list of all available plugins. search any plugin you’re looking for.

In next edition, I can share how you can build your own ChatGPT plugins.

Thanks for reading.
