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  • 🎯 You Build & Creator Sell | Rev Share Model

🎯 You Build & Creator Sell | Rev Share Model

ALSO: Startup Syndicate Launch + New ChatGPT look

Welcome, AI Hustlers.

The last 30 days were productive! I gained 7000+ followers, 2500+ Newsletter subscribers, made 5-figures, met 4 Billionaires 1-on-1 on a Zoom call, and launched the best AI Community “Startup Syndicate”

All of this happened because of ONE thing! High-Quality Personal Brand on Twitter.

9/10 guys I know on Twitter don’t know the power of Personal Brand. Twitter is the best Networking Platform, but ONLY for those who know how to use it.

No course can build you the Brand you always want to build! It’s YOU that will build the next Best Brand on X.

Think about the perks: Best teachers live on X, you learn the most in-demand skills from the best in business, you share your learnings and build a cult following, you monetize your brand and leave 9-5 hustle. You meet other smart brains and build cool stuff together. You make money, learn from the best, grow your network, and live as you want.

This is not a fairytale. I did it myself in just last 90 days. I resigned from all the hustles, jobs, and sub-contracts I was doing and went all in to build my own EMPIRE. And honestly, it’s tough but I love every bit of this struggle.

Why I am sharing this? Just to make you stop Bookmarking content only, and make you take Action. My friend, don’t let this opportunity slip away. If you’re struggling with something. Connect with me I’ll try my best to get you out of the mess. Try me! ✨


  • The Big Insight: Launch Partnered info products on Revenue Share deal.

  • ChatGPT can now see, hear, speak and build.

  • How to display your courses, and services on X profile as a card.

  • We Launched “Startup Syndicate” private community Today.

Read time: 3 minutes



Erica x Rob - Hooked on Writing Hooks Course

You don’t need a fancy Webflow Landing page with 10 styles of animations. A simple Offer built on Carrd (Beginner level landing page builder) can make you $60,000+ in 7 days, IF

You have a cool product to SELL.

Background Story:

Erica Schneider is a prominent Copywriter on X with 47,600+ followers. She partnered up with Rob Lennon: an AI Super Mario. They launched a partnered info-product (course) in Copywriting niche leveraging Erica’s Copywriting Expertise + Rob’s AI Expertise.

Together they formed “Hooked on Writing Hooks:” a knowledge asset for their audience.

Why I am sharing this story with you?

This just validated my idea of launching AI-powered projects in partnership with other creators.

Hear me out! Every industry especially the digital business industry will be using AI-powered systems, tools, prompts, and automations in next 12 months and creators are finding their AI magic wand, by themselves.

YOU have an unfair advantage of being early in this AI Space. You know the power of prompting, AI Agents and Automations. Why not you build systems for different Digital niches like:

  • Copywriting

  • Marketing

  • Ghostwriting

  • Mental Fitness

  • Personal Brand Building

    etc etc.

I can name 20 more niches but the point is, that every industry need help with AI. And If I give you one blunt insight: Creators are struggling to make big bucks from their old-school video courses. They need something more valuable for their next info-product.

That can be AI products. The AI system is an ever-green asset that they can offer to their audience. They can use this AI system for personal and work use cases. For example, check below what Rob designed for Erica’s audience.

AI tools that Rob designed for “Hooked on Writing Hooks” Course

So Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Build AI products with your AI skillset. If you’re:

    • AI Prompt Engineer: Design Megaprompts and build AI Agents

    • UI/UX Designer: Build High-Class Midjourney + DALLE 3 prompt portfolio for 10 different use cases.

    • Automation Expert: Design No-code Dashboards that have all useful tools in 1 place. (Universal UI)

    • Chatbot Expert: Design Creator’s Clone + 5 other TOP clones for the creator’s niche.

  2. Find Suitable Creators that have 50k+ followers or 10k+ email list and share this offer:

    “I will build AI systems for your Niche, You record your video course. together we launch a Hybrid Info product that is 50x more valuable than just 3-hr video recording”

  3. If the creator says YES; sit with him/her to discover what kind of AI products you can design for that specific creator’s audience.

  4. Work together, Design, and Launch the product on a Revenue Share Model. Split the profit at 40-60. You take 40% and the creator can take 60%.

With less effort but a 10x better use case of your AI skillset, you can launch 1 info-product with 1 different creator every month.

Each product drop can bring you at least $20,000. Depending on your skill set, quality, and execution.

Sounds Interesting? This is totally realistic. I spoke with 17 established creators in last 2 months and 15 of them said YES to co-launch the next product IF the product is super good!

So, take action and build your AI career but also build your bank account.



I launched a 90-Day Program for 20 AI hustlers to launch their AI startup before Jan 1st, 2024.

I received 123 applications and I went through all of them personally and selected 21 hustlers. I named our Community “Startup Syndicate”

Why? This 90-day hustle is just a start. Imagine if we can acquire a digital startup, build for 30 days, and launch a new Company every month.

Not just that, we take every single company to $50,000 MRR.

But that’s not the best part. These startups will be built in partnership with the community members and all contributors/partners will get a Revenue share percentage from the revenue, every single month.

There are 14,000+ tools and 99% of them are not even making $100/month. I will acquire the most creative AI startups and remodel them to make a full-fledged AI system in partnership with community members and launch them again.

That’s the vision that I am pursuing for next 90 days. To build a full-fledged structure to launch partnered startups at lightning speed with 100% transparency.

Watch me build this with the grace of GOD.

I will be sharing alot of working models with my Community:

  • Seinfeld Productivity Model

  • Hunter Hammond Model

  • Rare Niche Model

    and many more.

But I’ll also share my snippets here in upcoming Newsletter editions. Like I just did right now.

All you need is to promise to yourself that I WILL TAKE ACTION and trust me all the knowledge you want to acquire, is FREE.

Share your plans, and If you’re committed to take action. Connect with me, I’ll make a way for you to be a part of the 90-Day Startup Hustle Project.


How to have your Info-Products displayed on your X Profile

A Teaser of ChatGPT’s Multi Modal Capabilities!


I hope you enjoyed this Newsletter Edition. Stay tuned for more blasting updates and weird experiments with AI.

If I haven’t said hello to you. Reply to this email. Let me know more about you and your goals. Let’s network and grow together. 🙌🙌