Hi Future Founder! This is for YOU.

ALSO: 100M Founder Growth Cycle

Welcome, Future Founder!

Yes you! This Newsletter edition is just for YOU!

Every week I share 1 Startup Idea in detail and try to give you everything I got in my weird brain.

But I felt something is OFF, something is MISSING, and that was the foundation of your startups.

Dubai didn’t build cloud-kissing skyscrapers on sand dunes, they built the rock-solid foundation first!

I am trying to give you Million-Dollar Startup Blueprints but we didn’t build the founder’s foundation.

That’s what you’ll explore in the next 2 and a half minutes.


  • The Big Insight: The Foundation of your Million-Dollar Startup

  • Founder Ethics

  • Founder Growth Cycle

  • 90-Day Startup Hustle Update

Read time: 2.5 minutes



It’s Wednesday morning, 6:13 am (when I am writing this newsletter draft) sitting in a cafe with my travel laptop and a cup of black coffee with with no sugar.

It’s still dark outside, but everyone’s rushing to their work. On the other hand in this cafe there are 3 guys (including me) who are staring at their laptops, in a chill mood, having small sips of coffee.

At that moment I realized how beautiful it is to be self-employed.

No boss, no 9-5 hectic job, no rush hour traffic pain. Total control of my time.

But how it all happened? How I became a full-time digital creator? How I started two AI Startups?

It all happened in the last 3 months. I wanted to do this for the last 3 years but never took serious action.

So what did I change in myself? I asked myself.

I developed Founder Ethics. 

I remember that mirror talk. Here’s what I said to myself;

  1. You are not honest with yourself! You never take action and you’re not taking a bet on yourself.

  2. There is so much clutter in your mind. You need clarity. You need to simplify the process.

  3. You doom scroll, you save bookmarks but never extract brainstorm and extract value.

  4. You have to be disciplined, organized, and well-structured.

Here’s what I decided that night.

Let’s simplify life. Remove clutter. So I started journalling! Took a notebook and started writing down all my thoughts on paper.

That notebook is my best friend! and I am not kidding! I vent out all my thoughts, ideas, struggles, and plans on paper.

It brought me utter clarity.

I decided to do the “No Doom Scroll” 7-day challenge. That was the best decision. I used this time to go back to my bookmarks and brainstorm on all the posts.

I went through deep rabbit holes and learned the craft of building a digital business.

I started the 30-day “Seinfeld” method. Take a monthly calendar. Marked it every single day, after I got my daily tasks done.

There were no days off. No Sundays or Vacations. I told myself, I have to be disciplined! period.

That’s it.

Journaling + 7-day No Doom Scroll challenge + 30-Day Seinfeld Method.

I sorted my mess out. I started to love my hustle. Basically, I built the Founder Ethics.

That’s the first step for you! If you skip this, your sky-scraper digital business won’t come to life, ever!

Now let me share the Founder Cycle with you.

98% of digital founders go through this cycle. So just take it and implement it in your journey.

Here’s how it goes:

Building Skillset → Freelancer → Agency → SaaS

  • You have to learn and master 1 solid skill: Marketing, copywriting, design, or coding. These 4 skills are evergreen skills.

  • Then you work for someone. This will refine your work, and force you to improve your work quality and also give you side income.

  • Then once you build a solid portfolio. Launch your own agency. Why work for someone else when you can become self-employed? This will build you a 6-fig stripe account and give you time and location freedom. (That’s where I am right now)

  • Then final step. Utilize that capital to build a sustainable and long-lasting income stream - SaaS (software as a service)

That’s why I am building 2 AI Startups. This can bring 8-figures to me and my team in the next 24 months.

I did deep research, found the working model in digital space, and just copied that. You also need to do that.

So find out, Where you’re sitting right now?

  1. Skillset Building phase?

  2. Freelancing (hired)?

  3. Running an Agency?

  4. Building a SaaS?

By the time you hit 3rd phase (Agency), you need experience, data, capital, you need manpower.

So skipping any of the phases can break your Founder Cycle.

Now where does AI come into this Play?

AI is like the new tech framework that will be embedded in 98% of businesses in the next 3-4 years. So, take any market, any industry, or niche and make it “AI-powered.” That’s how simple it is.

AI-powered marketing Agencies, Lead gen, Content Creation, SaaS. You name it, there is immense potential.

All you need to do is find your “use case’ of AI.

I found my use case “AI-powered Newsletter Media Companies” and that’s why I am building HypeGenius.

I believe I can run 4-5 Newsletters easily, and my Newsletters can make me $20,000 every month. That’s a $100,000/month digital business.

Best part: These newsletters will run on autopilot. So I don’t need to spend 6-8 hours daily on my Newsletter Media companies.

Let’s wrap up the letter here:

  1. You need to build Founder Ethics.

  2. Then you need to follow the Founder Growth Cycle.

  3. Then You need to enjoy your life!

That’s why we work. to enjoy our life! but do we? No!

Take control of your life. Gain time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom.

If that’s you! shake hands. We’ll do it together. Just stick with me. 🤝



 7 Days into the program - 14 One-on-One calls done -  8 Startups begun the hustle.

We started “The Startup Hustle” community with a group call. It was amazing, 25 hustlers introduced each other and shared their goals.

Now we are all hustling every day and documenting our success in the #wins section.

In the next Newsletter edition, I’ll share the thoughts of community members about the Startup Hustle Program. 🙌


I hope you enjoyed the simple layout of today’s edition. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time!