• The AI Startup
  • Posts
  • 🔥Let's Launch your Newsletter Media Company

🔥Let's Launch your Newsletter Media Company

ALSO: Top Niched sites that make Half a Mil.

Welcome, Future Founder!

After writing 10 Editions of the AI Startup, now I am clear about the destination of this unique brand.

I share my obsession with startups with you guys every week and I said this 100 times, that AI has presented us with the lifetime opportunity to own a piece of digital land and win our freedom.

My Goal with AI is clear: Build Startups and take Exit!

I don’t want to work for someone. I don’t want to raise capital. I just want to show people, what’s possible when you have utter “clarity.”

I took 213 calls in the last 3 and a half months. I sat with founders, hustlers, and investors and I can tell you, no one has clarity on what they want to do!

I want to bring you Business Ideas + Pure Clarity + Actionable Steps to your inbox, every week.

What about this:

  • A Detailed “Loom” Analysis

  • Actionable Steps Section

  • 2 Exclusive Ideas from my “Red Idea Book”

  • And later on Access to the “Startup Syndicate Discord Community”

Wait till next week and I’ll drop the value bomb.


  • The Big Insight: The Foundation of your Newsletter Media Company

  • Power Of Niched Blogs

  • $20k/month Newsletter Media Company

  • Actionable Stepson How you can Launch your Company

Read time: 2.5 minutes



Life is beautiful. You start something mind-blowing, you share with someone, you get screwed, you stop for awhile, you move on.

And you repeat.

Such a beautiful loop.

Anyways, I am not active on X. But the last one week of deep journaling helped me cage my demons.

Now I am back with more creative power. So let’s get into fun stuff.

Recently I paid $525 dollars to get access to one of my favorite Newsletters “Starter Story” database.

Starter Story is a Premium Newsletter Brand that talks about Successful businesses and shares their background stories.

As you know Entrepreneurship is my favorite topic to talk about. I was hooked with the value Pat Walls: (founder of Starter Story) shared in his database of 4400 case studies about successful businesses.

This was the perfect playground for me. So I invested 21 hours in his database and found my “GOLDMINE”

What’s that?

There was a report about the Top 102 successful Digital Products.

I took that report and uploaded it on ChatGPT to get maximum insights from this valuable but raw data.

This is what I found:

50 out of those 102 Digital Products are Newsletter oriented.

This intrigued me to dive to deep as I am building “HypeGenius” - A Newsletter Engine.

If you still don’t know how big Newsletters are going to be with AI, let me say it again.

Newsletters are new Blogs that will convert 13x more than paid ads.


AI will gather the latest and most relevant information from the internet and write personalized letters to your ideal clients.

Now Imagine the ROI of these personalized newsletters. That’s the future of digital advertising.

This is not the GOLD I found in Starter Story.

I found another report on the top 80 Niched Blogs.

These Niche sites are making $500,000+ every year because they serve a specific group of people with super good content, that solves their problem.

Why not take these sites and turn them into Niched Newsletters?

I bet Newsletters will perform 10x better. So I dived into top-performing categories of these niche blogs.

All profitable Sites are running Newsletters and that’s one of the reasons they are able to retain the readers on their blog.

BTW, what categories are performing really well in niche blogs?

Here’re few examples that I liked.

A blog for online poker and casino players. How much revenue does it generate?

$6 Million Dollars.

How I would use AI + Newsletters to capture some market share of Casino Guru.

A daily newsletter to make Casino players smart.

“Ninja Players”

A weekly Newsletter to review Casinos, Online Games, and share deep insights.


I would make it a $19.99/month paid Newsletter. 

Only 500 readers paying $19 every month = $9,500

Then Sponsors, Info-products and Partnered offers can bring alteast $5000 every month.

This Niched Newsletter can bring $15,000 every month.

Guess how much this old-school blog is making?


This blog helps readers find the complete series of any book.

Super simple idea.

How I would modernize this old-looking Blog into a Newsletter?

A daily Newsletter that shares 1 summary of the book from your favorite categories.

This is a perfect night read for anyone who doesn’t have time to read the complete book but wants the value.

Make it a paid Newsletter at $9.99/month.

Find Facebook book clubs, and Reddit pages and you will find 1000s of them.

All you need is 1000 readers to make $10,000 from this niche newsletter.

Is it easy? Yes, a lot easier than a 9-5 job. Just try it

This Mental health blog generates $480,000 every year with only 32,000 page views.

That’s how lucrative this category is: if implemented right.

I would turn this into a daily niche newsletter that shares Mental strength techniques in an easy-to-understand and implement manner.

1 technique with a couple of use cases and success stories.

I would pay $19.99 for high quality paid Newsletter on Mental well-being.

I know how important is your mental fitness if you want to achieve greatness in life.

1000 subscribers can make you $20,000/month.

Easy to implement if you make it a calm-looking well-being Brand with top-notch branding and obviously the content should be super valuable.

There are many other categories but I would use AI to write me Newsletters on these Categories.

  • Finance

  • Online Business

  • Entertainment

  • Food

  • Travel

  • Fashion

Here are few inspirations for you.

There is so much room to grow for Niche topic categories. Niched Brands focuses on appealing to a particular group of people.

That group of people has to share a common element. Usually one of these:

  • Age

  • A problem

  • Profession

  • A hobby/interest

  • Geographic location

The more specific, the easier to convert them into paid readers.

Newsletter Media Companies will be the talk of the town in next 2-3 years. This is how you digitalize an old but working model.

Which is Blogs here: Modernize & Digitalize them with 2.5-minute Newsletters.

People will love it and you’re hitting their inboxes so reader retention will be alot higher than solo blogs.

I hope this breakdown sheds some light on this emerging opportunity and that’s why I am going all in on Newsletters.

Your Newsletter company can make you $20,000/month and then get acquired by giant Corporate’s for $20 Million after a few years.

ANd this is a perfect 1-Man Business that you can run with LLM-powered apps like ChatGPT or Claude.

So what are you waiting for? If this aligns with you.

Find out what niche or market you love. For me it’s Entrepreneurship, AI, Onliness Hustle, and Community.

So I can launch 3 Newsletter Media companies on each of these 5 categories in next 3 years.

This is my use case of AI. You can copy the same template.

Actionable Steps:

  1. Find Niche.

  2. Find Traffic Source.

  3. Design Amazing Branding.

  4. Launch the Company

  5. Go Real hard on Distribution

  6. Collect cash and re-invest.

  7. Build a $20k/month Newsletter Company

  8. Repeat.

Don’t overcomplicate this.

Pro Tip: To make the distribution even more lucrative, research what Hunter Hammond is doing and copy the same template for Newsletters.

Thank me later.


I hope you enjoyed the simple layout of today’s edition. Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time!