A Start of New Journey.

Hi Fellas, At last….

The most awaited Newsletter is here. The Journey begins!

Newsletter is my favorite form of content. It’s like a backyard night BBQ party with your close peeps. You share your deep thoughts, fears, ambitions and most importantly exciting stories.

That’s what you can expect from ‘The AI Startup‘ Newsletter: interesting AI business ideas, stories, and case studies.

Entrepreneurship is my obsession and AI has ignited that like a summer wildfire.

But I’ll come to that later, first….

Who am I?

So I am an introvert guy in my late 20s with Computer science background and 5+ years of boring corporate experience.

I love to write from my pencil days. It’s just so natural to me but until 2022 I didn’t know that you can make real cash from writing online.

I started my Twitter Journey last year in June. I joined Web3 with full passion. I felt like this is the next big tech revolution (which is true in some sense) and I started to write about use cases of Web3.

But honestly speaking I didn’t enjoy my writing exercise on Web3. (for several reasons) we’ll explore that some other day.

But something stuck me at that time. I joined the beta GPT-3 program and experimented with the model. It gave me a sense that this is not a drill, this is actually something interesting.

Even though the results were not appealing, it ignited my curiosity about LLMs and I started to dive deep into the AI rabbit hole.

My Quit Story!

Everything about AGI was interesting but I didn’t take any action: to build a brand on AI. I kept on writing about Web3 and copywriting on Twitter until I burnt out and left Twitter in April 2023 with 5,800 followers.

Sometimes when you lose your way, you find yourself.

- Mandy Hale

I spent 2 months and 10 days offline, and didn’t force myself to pursue anything. That’s when I reinvented my identity. As I was researching about AI all the time and using that in my day job. I found myself as ‘The AI guy.‘

I designed AI system for my job automation and automated 90% of tasks and then deployed Steve Jobs as a Marketing mentor in my company, My Boss loved that and I charged my company $5000.

That’s when I realized the potential of AI. After that in the next 30 days, I deployed 4 agents in my company, automated my job, and few of my friends.

I loved this new bit. I made $17,000+ from a company that was paying me $32 per hour.

The Return

I made my return back home to Twitter (X) and within 29 days I got 7,100+ followers with no stress.

I used my copywriting, and data analysis experience and combined that with my obsession: Entrepreneurship + AI. I am loving writing content every day.

So Now Come to the Purpose of this Newsletter.

In simple words. It is a NO BS AI Brand that will talk about Making Money with AI. No tools review and no AI news crap.

Actionable and realistic business models on AI: that’s what everyone is looking for. Let’s build some legendary AI Startups.

I am currently building HypeGenius: an AI agent that will write and publish your newsletters autonomously and 1 more startup (which I’ll reveal in coming weeks)

My Vision behind Mentorship Program

I am mentoring 20 hustlers on a Dynamic Model. I am not enforcing any specific business model to them, but I am sitting with all my 20 geeks 1 on 1 to find out their background, and experience and then we craft the idea and business plan on how we can use AI in that field.

Start from the industry you know already. Build systems and monetize them, whether it’s an automation system, AI Agent or a No-Code SaaS. There’s a lot of room.

My Goal is to empower my army to be making at least $10,000 per month in next 6 months. Mentorship is just the start, they will have lifetime access to something evergreen.

Next 90 days are exciting.

Let’s wrap up the first draft. I know it’s a lengthy one but I wanted to share my background story, past experience and the main goal of this Newsletter to build a foundation. Now we’ll build an AI castle on top.

Check your email every week on Monday at 10 am PST. (Mark your calendars for some more sauce)

- CJ